The identification of projects funded by the Trust Fund is undertaken in close dialogue with relevant authorities and stakeholders in the refugee hosting countries, based on needs assessments and in line with national refugee response plans, the EU Compacts with Jordan and Lebanon, as well as the regional refugee response plan (3RP). The Trust Fund is also aligned with the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework adopted in 2016 as part of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, leading towards a new Global Compact on Refugees.
The Operational Board of the Trust Fund is responsible for the review, discussion and eventual approval of projects, presented by the Trust Fund Manager in the form of an Action Document. This programme document describes the project and its intended results, how it was identified, why it is needed, and, sometimes, also by whom it will be implemented.
The Trust Fund works with a wide range of implementing partners, including EU Member States' authorities and development agencies, international and local non-governmental organisations (NGOs), international organisations, the UN family, financial institutions, host country authorities, as well as private sector entities. To foster better coordination between the many NGOs and agencies, as well as allowing for fewer but bigger programmes, the Fund prioritises funding for partnerships consisting of several organisations working together.
Actions financed by the Trust Fund are implemented in accordance with applicable EU rules and regulations.