“We do not let the water go to waste”

We try our best to save water and use it responsibly.
Water scarcity remains a challenge to this day in many areas of Lebanon. Wastewater networks in the southern suburbs of Beirut are either non-existent or very old: storm water and wastewater end up in one main network and uncontrolled discharges in the open environment are very frequent. This means that if the network is not upgraded or extended, pollution related to uncontrolled discharges will cause serious sanitary problems to the environment and the health of those living in these areas.
Abdallah and Em Najib both live in Tahouitet el Ghadir. Em Najib explains that when rains are heavy, sewers get clogged and overflow. Besides creating huge problems to car and pedestrian circulation, the smell coming from the sewers attracts bugs and insects, trash accumulates on the streets making life really difficult also from a hygiene point of view.
“They are trying to improve roads, build infrastructure to facilitate the circulation of cars and the school bus. This wasn’t possible before because there was just one road that we could use so there was a lot of traffic. Now they are working on infrastructure and they are installing pipes, drains and sewers,” explains Abdallah.
People are also very aware of water waste. “We do not let the water go to waste,” says Em Najib. “We try our best to save it and use it responsibly.”
With support from the EU through the Trust Fund, ACTED is improving the living conditions of Syrian and local communities in Lebanon, through greater access to water, sanitation and disease-free environments.
Amongst other objectives, ACTED is planning on rehabilitating and separating 5 km of wastewater and stormwater networks, which will reduce the flooding of streets, which are currently having a very negative impact on local businesses, local communities and Syrian refugees. Surrounding areas will also benefit from the implementation of these upgrades to infrastructure. “Economically speaking,” says Abdallah, “it will be very good because people will be encouraged to open shops and work here because it’s much easier to circulate. They won’t need to move away from the region or the country… they will settle here and be comfortable.”