"I didn't do anything because I was only raising my children. Now, I'll get a job, and a degree, I'll become an important individual."
Khalid Bilal Ahmed, 24, from Tripoli graduated in accounting information systems in 2016 and worked for a while in this sector. Together with Heba Ahmed Hanash, 24 and mother of two, he benefitted from the LEADERS project.
“They are really making it happen,” says Khalid. “There aren’t many job opportunities for the youth in this country, but the project is really making things happen,” he continues. Within the context of the LEADERS project, the Makhzoumi foundation empowers the youth by offering them education and job opportunities. “I got my training here, and now I’m doing a two-month long internship. I’m very happy with this because it gives me an opportunity,” explains Heba.
Both understand the importance of learning new skills which will help them get employed. “It’s very important to be working and not staying at home,” says Khalid. “When you know where you are, what you are doing and where you are going, there is no need to be afraid,” concludes Heba.
With the support of the Trust Fund, LEADERS helps displaced people, including refugees, and local communities become economically self-reliant by teaching them new skills and providing training, amongst other things. Promoting inclusive local economic empowerment and development to foster resilience and social stability are amongst the main objective of this project implemented by DRC, ACTED, Care, Makhzoumi Foundation, Save the Children and Oxfam, in Jordan and Lebanon.