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EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian crisis

State of play - Project Factsheets and their Implementing Partners

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State of play - Project Factsheets and their Implementing Partners (363)

Showing results 20 to 40
General publications20 December 2022
Country Overview: Iraq
General publications20 December 2022
10th Result Report
General publications20 December 2022
ROM summary review
General publications20 December 2022
EUTF Strategic Outcome Framework
General publications16 December 2022
Iraq - EUTF Syria’s country factsheet
General publications16 December 2022
Jordan - EUTF Syria’s country factsheet
General publications16 December 2022
Lebanon - EUTF Syria’s country factsheet
General publications16 December 2022
EUTF Country Factsheet AR
General publications16 December 2022
EUTF Syria’s general factsheet EN
General publications8 December 2022
EUTF Syria Madad 11th Result Report Progress Update
General publications8 December 2022
Signed project list: July 2024
General publications8 December 2022
EUTF Madad Financial Overview 2024: pie charts
General publications7 December 2022
Constitutive Agreement
General publications19 January 2022
Sector Evaluation on WASH Programmes/Projects – EVAL Report
General publications14 January 2022
ROM reviews summary
General publications29 November 2021
COVID-19 Specific results - Data from ninth results reporting - December 2021
General publications29 November 2021
Ninth Results Reporting - EUTF Syria & Region - Key Findings - December 2021
General publications29 November 2021
Ninth Results Reporting - EUTF Syria & Region - December 2021
General publications25 October 2021
HOPES II Factsheet - Higher Education - Lebanon
General publications13 October 2021
DRC Factsheet - Resilience and Livelihoods - Lebanon