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EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian crisis

I want to become a manager one day.

Mohammad Annous is a 21-year-old man from Tripoli who is currently working in Laylak restaurant. His dream is to become a manager and he started working in the restaurant business early on without proper knowledge of the “basic rules of a restaurant”. He enrolled in a training through the LEADERS project and thanks to intensive courses he was able to gain a lot of knowledge and experience. “I started the training, which was very nice and intensive. During the course, I learned everything: from A to Z. I improved a lot.”

The training opened up opportunities for him: “I finished the programme and there was an opening,” he explains. He was able to get a promotion where he works with a possibility of further advancing his career in the future to achieve his dream of becoming a manager and running his own restaurant one day.

With the support of the EU Trust Fund, LEADERS helps 250,000 Syrian and local communities in Jordan and Lebanon to become economically self-reliant by teaching them new skills and providing training, amongst other things. Promoting inclusive local economic empowerment and development to foster resilience and social stability are amongst the main objective of this project implemented by DRC, ACTED, Care, Makhzoumi Foundation, Save the Children and Oxfam, in Jordan and Lebanon.