One day, I'd like to see my furniture in Italy, Frasnce and other major capitals.
Mhammad Jabre is an interior designer from Al Mina, Tripoli. Jabre Concept, his company, specialises in interior design and furniture. Mhammad benefitted from the LEADERS project which gave him a grant to better plan his business. “When we got the grant, we learnt important lessons on how to create a project from top to bottom, how to start, how much a piece of furniture would cost, what it would sell for and where… we got to understand our needs better, and whether to invest in making furniture ourselves or whether we could simply order from a factory,” he explains with passion.
Before then, Mhammad admits Jabre Concept was not a very well-thought company. “I benefitted from it as soon as we received the grant. We got introduced to how a business plan should look like. We got some big benefits because it taught us how to organise our work here at the interior design office,” he explains.
With the support of the Trust Fund, LEADERS helps displaced people, including refugees, and local communities become economically self-reliant by teaching them new skills and providing training, amongst other things. Promoting inclusive local economic empowerment and development to foster resilience and social stability are amongst the main objective of this project implemented by DRC, ACTED, Care, Makhzoumi Foundation, Save the Children and Oxfam, in Jordan and Lebanon.